National Infrastructure Commission consultations
November 1, 2016
The National Infrastructure Commission has published the results of the consultation on its scope and methodology to which we contributed, which can be found here. It is clear that some of the suggestions we made in our response have been taken up.
It has also launched a call for evidence, for which the closing date is 10 February 2017. Although many of the questions are about particular project proposals, some are of relevance to NIPA, in particular question 10, which asks:
“What changes could be made to the planning system and infrastructure governance arrangements to ensure infrastructure is delivered as efficiently as possible and on time?”
Question 3 is also relevant as it mentions the planning of infrastructure.
Once again, therefore, we will be conducting an exercise to co-ordinate a response to this. If you are interested in joining a working group for that purpose, please let me know by emailing by Friday 18 November.
Angus Walker
Board Chair