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We thank all candidates for their interest, time and consideration that they put into their applications for consideration of appointment to the NIPA Board.

We received 9 applications for the ordinary Board places and one application for the role of Treasurer and Director.

All applications made were very strong and there was careful discussion and consideration of each application at our recent Board meeting.  In making our appointments considerations have included: mix of professions, relevant experience, contributions, interests and commitment made in accordance with the requested application criteria.

We are pleased to confirm the following appointments to the Board which will take effect from the next Board meeting which is due to be held on Monday 29 April 2024.

Treasurer and Director – Michael Humphries KC

Board Members:

Tom Carpen – Thames Water

Catherine Anderson – WSP

Ali Leeder – Arup 

Due to a current Board Member confirming upcoming family leave we are also taking the opportunity to confirm an additional interim appointment for that period of absence, which we have also taken the opportunity to appoint from the applications made:

Family leave interim Board appointment:

Peta Donkin – LDA

We would encourage all those who applied and other NIPA members to consider applying for other opportunities that will arise in relation to the Board and Council as well as active opportunities to contribute and engage in the work and activity of NIPA at every opportunity and even though not appointed this time to continue to bring forward initiative and change that will deliver a stronger and more effective NIPA for the future.

It just remains for me to thank our outgoing Board members who have contributed significantly to the work of NIPA and we trust will continue to be valued contributing members:

Ian Fletcher

James Good

Anna Pickering

Also, thanks to all applicants as to have such a strong interest and diversity of excellent applications is hugely positive for NIPA and its future.

Jan Bessell

NIPA Board Chair