NIPA Early Years Practitioners Spring Social Event – Update

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On behalf of the NIPA Board, and as part of our continued drive to identify and showcase best practice within the planning for and delivery of nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs), and following 2019’s success, I am delighted to launch our 2021 National Infrastructure

Planning Association Award for “Best Project”.

The Award builds on NIPA’s Insights II Research Project published in 2019, which focused on building trust, providing evidence, ensuring appropriate controls and adaptive delivery. NIPA would like submissions that demonstrate any or all aspects of best practice in participating in the Development Consent Order process for an NSIP.

Submissions for NSIPs consented between 01 October 2019 and 30 September 2021, using the NIPA 2021 Award Submission Form and following the NIPA 2021 Award Submission Guidance, should be sent to by 5.00pm on Tuesday 02 November 2021.

A panel of independent judges chaired by Dr. Janice Morphet, Visiting Professor at the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL will meet to consider submissions, and the winner of the 2021 Award will be announced at NIPA’s Annual Dinner on 18 November 2021.

Before making your submission please read the Award Submission Guidance carefully, and we look forward to receiving your entries showcasing best practice and innovation in planning for and / or delivering NSIPs.

Should you have any queries please contact


With best wishes (and the best of luck!)

Robbie Owen



Board Secretary