Local Authority Innovation and Capacity Fund launched (March 2022)

Become a Member

This is a survey of experience of the Planning Act 2008 regime and suggestions for how to improve it in preparation for the NIPA Conference on 7 and 8 July.

Please complete it over the next 2 weeks, so by Friday 2 nd July. It is arranged so that you can dip in and out of it

It is intended to help inform discussion at the Conference.

Here is the link to the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbN2DSv-dV1_8Qxeb5XnUTBW_nEJ4SASl3eQfkfC_OlOThQQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

Letter to NIPA members from the Planning Minister, Chris Pincher MP

A detailed letter to NIPA members from the Planning Minister, Chris Pincher MP, in advance of his address to the NIPA Conference on Wednesday 7 July.

The letter can be viewed here.