NIPA Annual Conference, London 2024

November 11, 2024

9:00am - 6:00pm

Book Now

Due to the announcement of the General Election on 4 July 2024 we have taken the decision to reschedule this year’s conference which will now take place on Monday 11 November 2024.

The programme and speaker team will remain broadly the same. This change will enable all NIPA members and those interested in Infrastructure Planning from all sectors to fully participate and for NIPA to deliver the most pertinent and up to date agenda with a new Government in place and to follow the Party Conferences, when we will have clearer sight of the way forward in both policy and practice. So secure your place now by booking now.

Our conference this year is coming at a very important time as the Government continues with its planning reforms, including to the NSIPs regime, now in implementation. There has been a lot of activity with National Policy Statements and there are still some reviews to come. Levelling up, Net Zero, environmental outcomes and improvement, economic growth and continuing evolution for a post Brexit Britain remain the key drivers for improvements to the nation’s economic infrastructure.

This year’s conference is an important opportunity for NIPA members and others to discuss and inform the continuing reform agenda for the NSIPs regime. This is taking place of course against the backdrop of continuing policy evolution, political refresh and the learning we are constantly gaining from increased implementation and delivery of NSIPs on the ground.

We hope you will enjoy your day with the NIPA family — contributing to the ongoing reform agenda, highlighting examples of best practice and gaining insight and knowledge from our discussions — at what remains a pivotal time for the NSIPs regime and UK infrastructure planning and delivery.

Thank you to our conference sponsors SLR and WSP and Clifford Chance for kindly hosting the event.

To view the programme and book a place visit: